

十大彩票平台 concluded the 学生成功运动, its first capital campaign in over 10 years. We offer profound and sincere appreciation to all who contributed time and money!

自1967年成立以来, the 大学 has served as a major resource for the economic vitality of Western Massachusetts. An investment in the 十大彩票平台技术社区学院 Foundation not only helps make college affordable and keeps our students on their career paths — it also promotes economic development that enhances the quality of life in our community.

十大彩票平台 is the pathway for students across 该地区 to achieve their educational and career dreams.


At 十大彩票平台技术社区学院, we help students transform their lives. 我们的学生来自各行各业, 文化, 和背景, 每个学生都有自己独特的故事. 一些国家面临着巨大的障碍和挑战. 所有人都在寻找学习和成长的方法,这样他们就能变得富有成效, 实现了, 为自己贡献公民, 他们的家庭, 我们的社区. 十大彩票平台学生报名学习专业技能, 我们, 反过来, 努力激发他们的想象力和激情. 他们来这里是为了在智力上成长, 培养批判性思考者, 并采取步骤建立自己的事业.

十大彩票平台, students go directly into the workforce or move on to the next steps in their education, 通常是转学到四年制学院或大学. 十大彩票平台在本地扮演着关键的角色, affordable college where students are able to build a foundation for their future.

成为一个可负担的选择是关键. 这就是你和十大彩票平台基金会的作用. As a state-supported institution, 50% of our budget comes from the Commonwealth. The rest must be raised from student fees and grants and through corporate and private-sector support. To remain an accessible option for our community, we need the support of people like you. Our ability to stay affordable depends on what we are able to raise for scholarships, 基础设施, and other important 项目 that have an impact on the quality of education we provide.

请加入我们的使命,并支持十大彩票平台基金会 学生成功运动. Your support is not only the key to the success of our students as individuals, your generosity and care have a ripple effect as we meet the needs of local and regional businesses; as we contribute to the Springfield renaissance; and as we grow together in Western Massachusetts.


约翰B. 做饭,Ph值.D.


我还在戒毒,持续了四年. 大学对我来说是一个出口. 我喜欢学习新事物,并将我所学到的应用到我的生活中.

我最近获得了十大彩票平台基金会的奖学金. 上学、工作、抚养孩子——这是很多事情. 但多亏了基金会的奖学金, I will be able to continue my education and build on the strides I have made. 感谢慷慨的捐赠者的礼物, 我有足够的实力和经济支持再完成一个学期.

I look at my education like my recovery: one day at a time, knowing the future will be bright!”



This is your opportunity to have a powerful effect on students, our community and

该地区. When you give to the 十大彩票平台基金会 you support and encourage economic development by helping to produce a qualified workforce with the education and training needed to fuel business and industry in 该地区. Most importantly, you're helping students thrive and become productive members of society.


十大彩票平台技术社区学院 serves a culturally and economically diverse population that reflects the community of Springfield and Hampden County:

  • 我们89%的学生来自汉普顿县            
  • 48%的学生来自春田市
  • 我们59%的学生是女性
  • 29%的学生是西班牙裔
  • 16%的学生是黑人              
  • 816年教师 & 工作人员
  • 37841名校友


  • 单亲父母
  • 第一代大学生
  • 转行的
  • Area residents and employees seeking professional development, certification, and further education


I have family who graduated from 十大彩票平台 and they're doing great so that motivated me to come here.

An email from the Foundation invited me to apply for available scholarships. I was lucky to get a total of six scholarships that allowed me to have more time to invest in my academics rather than having to worry about getting more hours at work.

My hope is to eventually get my bachelor's in mechanical engineering and then go on for my master's degree. I want to use my mechanical engineering 知识 on renewable energy to help underdeveloped areas around the world.”



环绕服务提供基于社区的支持, 文化相关, 个性化的, 以力量为基础,帮助学生在课堂上和生活中取得成功.


The 接入服务中心 (CAS) provides extensive non-academic support to students in need. The generous support of the Foundation provides help for low-income students and students facing other barriers, 比如住房不稳定, 无家可归, 或者粮食不安全. These wraparound services help take some of life's burdens off their shoulders, so students are able to focus on school and work toward making a better life for themselves. 服务包括:

  • 紧急住房选择
  • 健康保险
  • 食品援助
  • 工具帮助
  • 教育匹配储蓄账户

戴着领结微笑的何塞·洛佩兹·菲格罗亚“Sometimes just $100 for an electric bill or the price of a required course book can be the thing that forces a student out of school. 我们是来填补这些空白的.”

接入服务中心 & 发展中心

十大彩票平台 is recognized as a Hispanic-serving institution by the federal government


我们正在十大彩票平台进入一个新时代, and the Foundation is embracing the opportunity to help transform lives in new and creative ways. 我们的愿景是让十大彩票平台充满活力, 多元文化学习社区,让学生个性成长, 智力, 和自信.

十大彩票平台满足学生的需要. 所以他们是否在努力维持家里的灯, 经历粮食不安全或无家可归, 需要通过辅导获得学术支持, or need something as simple as a book or basic supplies like paper and pen — with the generosity of people like you, 基金会随时准备提供帮助. 我们通过奖学金提供援助, 应急资金, and program funding so that students can overcome challenges academically and in their lives to get over the finish line.

The 十大彩票平台基金会 also contributes to student success by supporting faculty innovation, as well as classroom 基础设施 项目 so vital to keeping the school current and preparing our students for the ever-evolving demands of a global economy.

我邀请你加入我们的学生成功运动. 在您的支持下, 十大彩票平台可以继续提供最先进的教育, 使用行业标准设备, 引入创新学习机会, 确保学生接受高等教育的机会.

为了满足需求, the Foundation will play an important role in 十大彩票平台's five-year strategic plan by raising funds for important 项目 including:

  • 爱尔兰共和军H. Rubenzahl学生学习共享
  • 学生赋权基金
  • 学生奖学金
  • 十大彩票平台年度基金

We're happy to talk with you about specific 项目 and programs as well as how you can invest and get involved to help accomplish these goals. 当我们展望未来, we know that the long-term economic development success of 该地区 is dependent upon our ability to take systematic steps to develop a globally competitive workforce. 成功是一次只给一个人的. 在您的支持下, the 十大彩票平台技术社区学院 Foundation can move our students 我们的社区 into the future.


富兰克林D. 奎格利,小.


给予对你有意义的方式. 无论你把你的慷慨集中在哪里,你都会产生影响.

爱尔兰共和军H. Rubenzahl学生学习共享


从2016年夏天开始, the historic Building 19 has been transformed into a state-of-the-art student center. The Learning Commons became the center of campus life when it officially opened in January 2019. 一个雄心勃勃的, 充满活力的建筑项目, 纪念过去, 同时采用新的节能技术, 它拥有必要的学生资源和服务,如招生, 学术咨询和转学中心, 图书馆, 学生财务服务, 退伍军人的编程, 职业服务, 和更多的.

The result: One centralized space on campus for students and faculty to collaborate on 项目, 获得重要的服务,在充满活力的环境中学习, 先进的环境.


十大彩票平台作品允许学院招收和留住学生, 包括那些经济上处于不利地位的人, 其中一些人没有资格获得联邦或州的资助. 十大彩票平台作品 provides these ambitious students with Completion 奖学金 and the resources to help them complete their degree, 证书, 或者职业技能项目. 资金用于支付学费、杂费、书本费和用品费.

The result: 学生s are prepared to compete in the marketplace for in-demand jobs that help them support themselves, 他们的家庭,为我们的社区做出贡献.

在过去的四年里, 十大彩票平台 students borrowed $20 million from the federal government to help them manage not just tuition and fees but also housing, 照顾孩子, 运输, 还有其他日常开销. 但这还不够.


学生赋权基金 was created as a resource for students facing a multitude of barriers to sustaining and completing their education. 该基金, originally created from two restricted funds — the Bennett Book Fund and the Quest Fund — has been significantly expanded to anticipate all personal needs of the student population. 需要短期住房支持的学生, 运输, 照顾孩子, 学术项目资源, 营养餐可以通过这个基金申请他们需要的帮助, 让他们能够专注于学习,完成他们的课程.

The result: 学生s are able to overcome roadblocks and are empowered to continue their education and transform their lives.


随着经济格局的变化, annual gifts have become vital to sustaining 十大彩票平台技术社区学院's core mission — supporting students as they transform their lives.

年度基金提供灵活的资源,以支持学院的优先事项. Unrestricted gifts — donations that aren't tied to a specific program or project — provide a crucial bridge between tuition revenue and the actual cost of running the 大学. 这些基金帮助支持年度学术和学生补助金, 设备升级, 教职员工发展, 还有更多.

Your annual gift allows the 十大彩票平台基金会 to respond to the 大学's most pressing financial concerns and provide the flexibility to seize unique and important opportunities.

The result: the 大学 and the Foundation are able to invest in cutting edge programs and provide resources for new and top priority 项目 and opportunities.

As a state institution, 十大彩票平台 receives only 50% of its budget from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


The 十大彩票平台基金会 accepts gifts from individuals, corporations, and foundations. 捐赠人可以选择通过年度承诺或捐赠的方式捐赠现金. 有些人赠送股票, while others show their generosity with Legacy gifts through charitable trusts, 礼物年金, 遗赠和遗嘱条款.

你可以选择给特定的奖学金基金, 项目, 或者是对你有意义的项目. 无论如何,你选择给予, every dollar will go toward ensuring that 十大彩票平台 can continue to provide affordable, 当今和未来的最先进的教育.

Your gift ignites our efforts toward students' success as they strive to transform their lives.

We will be happy to discuss how you can make an impact on the lives of our students and the community.

肖恩·德怀尔西装革履,双手合十“作为一个地区雇主,我们雇佣了尽可能多的十大彩票平台毕业生. 他们致力于开拓谷, 带着我们需要的技能走出校园, 他们表现出强烈的职业道德.”

肖恩·米. 德怀尔


The 十大彩票平台技术社区学院 Foundation is composed of leaders who have come together to lend their support, 知识, and talents toward keeping 十大彩票平台 a viable and valuable resource to 该地区.

The Foundation's mission is to meet its goals and commitment to provide superior educational opportunities to the community.

我们的愿景是,十大彩票平台将是一个充满活力的, 多元文化学习社区,让学生个性成长, 智力, 和自信.


了解更多关于十大彩票平台基金会的信息或在我们的网站上捐款 十大彩票平台基金会网页 或致电413-755-4529.